Vincenzo Lipari



I am a senior researcher at the National Institute of Oceanography and Applied Geophysics - OGS, a leading Italian research institute in geosciences and environmental sciences. I apply my expertise in signal processing, inverse problems, machine learning, and applied mathematics to develop innovative solutions for the exploration and monitoring of natural resources and geological hazards.

My goal is to achieve advancements in geophysical signal processing, exploration seismology and mathematical modeling, while contributing to the sustainable development and management of the Earth’s resources and environment.


Jan 15, 2016 A simple inline announcement with Markdown emoji! :sparkles: :smile:
Nov 07, 2015 A long announcement with details
Oct 22, 2015 A simple inline announcement.

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selected publications

  1. equi2022.png
    Equivariant imaging for self-supervised regularly undersampled seismic data interpolation
    Weiwei Xu , Vincenzo Lipari, Paolo Bestagini , and 3 more authors
    In SEG International Exposition and Annual Meeting , 2022